
++If you are viewing this record without authorization report to the nearest Holy Ordos Officio for summary judgment++


Briefing, Baraspine



Three of the IDs confiscated from the heretics on Cyrus Vulpa appear to have originated on the hive world of Baraspine. Additionally, High Marshal Piper has provided a copy of Arbitrator Walthus' Document of Transfer from Baraspine to Cyrus Vulpa, which was presented when Walthus disembarked the IMMS Contrieta.

Additionally, the Inquisitor has traced a different cell back to Baraspine. She believes this hive world is where the heretical cult is coordinating activity across the sector. Should you need any assistance, the Inquisitor has a contact on Baraspine, code name Blue. You can reach her at the address attached. Blue is not an acolyte. She believes the Inquisitor to be a merchant with the name Madam Oddette.

Go to Baraspine and track down the heretics. Kill them and acquire any information you can regarding other operations.

+++Be Aware+++

Baraspine has a ruthless climate. The winds reach speeds up to 700km per hour, carrying particles of ceramic matter which can be fatal. Try not to leave the relative safety of the hive. 

May the Emperor guide your path,
-Sage Zarkov


Entry 0008, Gunmetal City

For your judgment,

290.819.M41 - After requisitioning an Aquila Lander from the Ordo Hereticus, they fly it to Gunmetal City. This 4 billion person city is a hive built into the basin of a super volcano. Heat from the lava fuels the foundries and manufactorums at the bottom, with the rest of the hive sitting above.

Landing on the upper hive, they begin investigating the Haddon estate, trying to find a way in. They ask about any upcoming events, hoping to get themselves on the guest list, failed to ask people who knew of any. They discuss the possibility of challenging him to a duel. It would certainly draw Haddon out into the open, but could be fatal for his opponent. They consider getting hired on as servants, but are afraid that may take too long. After some time, they ask around again and discover that Haddon is hosting an event where he will showcase his newest designs. The event is on 231.819.M41.

Afraid to wait that long, they decide instead to try and access the mansion via the factory below. There is a cluster of elevator shafts which connect the two, so that the factory may glean geothermal energy off the planet and the mansion may sit with its peers.

Down in the underhive, humanity is packed, shoulder to shoulder. They swarm about the tunnels, work to home and home to work. After having a brief run-in with the local riff-raff, they move to where Haddon's laborers enter and exit the factory. A door stands locked. They wait until it opens and a mass of humanity exists, followed by a second mass moving inward. They quickly move through the door as it is held open by the laborer before them.

A man picks them out of the crowd and stops them. He is the foreman for the shift. He speaks privately with them, and points them in the direction of the factory adepts who are the record keepers and tabulators. My Burdens decide to bribe Adept Arkio for access to the elevators. He willingly leads them to the shafts and types the passcode.

The elevator ride takes a long, long time. When they reach the top, they are greeted by a servant in livery of House Haddon. My Burdens try to get the servant to bring them to Haddon, but the servant insists they go with him to the parlor and wait. When Cain tries to intimidate the servant, four gun servitors step out into the hall. They all go to the parlor in short order. The servant leaves to speak with Haddon. Sander stretches out his senses and finds that the books are actually down in the manufactorum, not in the mansion.

They get a message from Sage Zarkov, stating that Inquisitor Xanatov has requisitioned shuttles and is bringing them to Gunmetal City. Not wanting to wait for Haddon to make the next move, they show their rosettes to the gun servitors. Then they order them to escort them to the elevators, where they leave the servitors. Finding the elevators locked, Sander disappears and reappears inside the elevator car. Opening the door from the inside, he lets everyone in. They descend back into the manufactorums.

They follow Sander's guidance and descend another level, where they find themselves washed over with heat radiating directly off the lava. The red glow is the primary light source, shining on the steel catwalks dangling above. Some paths lead down to large mysterious objects absorbing and transforming the heat into electricity and large foundries melting down raw materials.

Haddon appears from the elevator shaft, leading a retinue of hanger-ons and four gun servitors. Sander guides them across the network of catwalks, onto one which is quite long and isolated. At the far side of the bridge are two industrial servitors, blocking their path as Haddon comes up from behind. They focus fire on Haddon while Cain uses his rosette to command the industrial servitors, preventing them from cutting the bridge supports. As Haddon realizes he is losing the pitched battle, he retreats to grab an RPG launcher, which he aims at the bridge. Garvel knocks the weapon out of his hand and Sander deals the final blow.

After killing the lord, they loot his jewelry, weapon, one of his hands, and his head. using their rosettes, they order the gun servitors to guard their backs as they cross the bridge. They find a number of draftsmen working on blueprints for various weapons. Cain orders the men on the ground, and they obey. Finding Haddon's office, they go in, unlocking it with the still warm hand. Inside they find the books, one opened up on a diagram of a pistol. As they leave, Cain grabs all the blueprints.

My Burdens tie up a loose end as they drop Haddon's remains into the lava below, just as he had hoped to do to them. They leave through the employee exit cutting it open with a lascutter and welding it shut behind them. Diving into the crowds of the lower hive, they escape.

When they reach the Aquila Lander, they find Haddon's mansion surrounded by Inquisitorial shuttles. Inquisitor Xanatov has locked down the whole place, taking control until Lord Haddon can be found.

My Burdens return to the Tricorn and meet with Sage Zarkov. They debrief on recent events. Sage Zarkov takes possession of the books and blueprints. He and Garvel will look through them, looking for heretical technology.

295.819.M41 - They find three blueprints with heretical mechanisms, and destroy them. My Burdens, ever the resourceful, take the other blueprints to Cybry Victrix. They offer to sell them and Haddon's prized pistol for a fee. They throw in Haddon's Jewelry as well, as a sign of generosity. Victrix rewards them with a credstick and says that they can consider themselves Friends of House Victrix.

When they return from their meeting, they find a note at their private residence:

Dear Current Resident,
You serve your master well, which is unfortunate.
Do not interfere with my work again.

Until the next report
I am your eyes,


Entry 0007, Scintilla

For your judgment,

287.819.M41 - My Burdens have returned to the Tricorn to meet with Sage Zarkov. He orders them to investigate some books. Lord Vendigroth Tristan Haddon, a Scintillan nobleman, is believed to have recently acquired them. He has a Curator named Jessie Seraphina who maintains his private library and artifact collection. Jessie is the one who alerted Zarkov about the books. Jessie is concerned that they are heretical in nature.

The team decides to meet with Jessie, but not at the Haddon estate. They go to a nearby restaurant, the Canoness, and eat a meal to scout out the place and reserve a room in the back. Then they send a servo skull to Jessie and invite her to the restaurant for a midday meal tomorrow. After the meal Cutter goes and looks around the Haddon estate here in Hive Sibellus. He finds the fortress-like structure guarded by armed men and gun servitors. They return to the Tricorn and requisition funds to spend on the investigation, which is given to them.

288.819.M41 - In just before the meeting with Jessie, My Burdens arrange themselves around the area. Cutter and Kaltos are at a recaf shop nearby. Garvel and Cain pretend to shop. Sander is at the restaurant, waiting to meet Jessie. She arrives armed, armored and nervous. She speaks with Sander about the arrival of the books and their basic history. The books are the Encyclopedia Telum, once owned by a Rogue Trader named Thale.

Sander asks for shipping cargo and personnel manifests of vehicles heading out of the estate, which she will try to do. He also asks about Haddon's personality. She describes him as an arrogant duelist. He spends a lot of time in his Gunmetal City estate, personally overseeing operations. He owns a third estate in Hive Tarsus, to oversee trade operations. They talk more and finally part ways, agreeing to meet tomorrow.

The team looks for information on Haddon in the Administratum files and are able to acquire original blueprints of the estates and records showing he has licenses to station gunservitors and armed guards at his estates.

289.819.M41 - Sander and Kaltos go together to meet with Jessie. Garvel, Cutter and Cain are nearby. When Jessie arrives, two men exit a second vehicle and try to follow her, but they stay outside the restaurant and return to their groundcar. My Burdens assume the men work for Haddon and request an Inquisitorial escort to come pick her up after the meal. During the meal she provides what records she was able to procure from Haddon's manifest records.

She also tells them of Cymbry Victrix, who is trying to kill her. Jessie recently worked for Victrix, but Haddon offered a larger salary and other incentives to change employers. Victrix claimed this as betrayal and dueled Jessie, who lost both the duel and an arm. The arm was replaced by a cybernetic one. Victrix was still not satisfied, but has no reason to duel Jessie a second time. Jessie stays in the Haddon estate almost constantly, in fear of Victrix's men. As this excursion proved, they hope to harass her, provoking a second duel, one that will be fatal.

Unsure about this new variable, My Burdens decide to neutralize Victrix's men. Cutter hides on a roof across the street, the others idle around the restaurant as Jessie waits for her groundcar to pick her up. Two of Victrix's men approach her, while a third waits in a groundcar. Cutter fires on them with his silenced sniper rifle, killing the driver. The other two men panic and try and drive the groundcar away, but Cain and Kaltos close on them and force a surrender. The Magistorum officers, in their green greatcoats intervene, but Kaltos orders them off with his Arbitrator authority.

Cain and Kaltos take the two men to My Burden's private residence and interrogate them. They feed them misinformation, in the hopes to confuse Cymbry Victrix, and then let them go. Garvel, Sander and Cutter instead take the corpse and Jessie to the Tricorn, where they meet with Sage Zarkov. After debriefing, they leave Jessie in his custody.

290.819.M41 - They requisition an Aquila Lander and head to Gunmetal City.

Until the next report
I am your eyes,


Briefing, Scintilla



We have reports of suspicious books being held in the possession of one Lord Vendigroth Tristan Haddon, here in Hive Sibellus. The report comes from his Curator Jessie Seraphina. She is a trusted contact of mine and has expressed her gravest concerns over these documents. The exact nature of the books is unknown to me at this time, but it is clear that Jessie believes them to be of some heretical nature.

It is your responsibility to: 1) Meet with Jessie Seraphina; 2) secure the books; 3) kill or capture any individuals who have read the books; 4) return to the Tricorn for debriefing. 

+++Be Aware+++

Jessie believes Lord Haddon has some connection to the Ordo Xenos. Should you encounter any agents of the Ordo you are to treat them with respect and dignity. If any agents of the Inquisition have read the texts you are not to kill or capture them, but leave them be. I do not know what their involvement might be, or what their intentions ultimately are. Walk cautiously in the light of Terra.

May the Emperor guide your path,
-Sage Zarkov