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Entry 0004, Segetes

For your judgment,

230.819.M41 - While in Segetes they gave to Walthus a copy of the laboratory notes they found in the Barbaretta cave. Then they have Walthus arrange to find an adept who can review the footage from the train station cameras. They give the adept the pict of Aegrius from his file and a sketch based on Abdelus' description. To avoid confusion they tell the adept the sketch is of a second man named Hack.

Then they take Zolla and her shuttle to Yokes where they ask around for Carnelia Lorayne. No one in Yokes knows who that woman is, nor do they know anyone with that family name. Using a vox they message Walthus, saying they believe Carnelia does not exist. Walthus does not respond.

Finding the town bulletin board, Garvel confiscates two stories. The first is a story about mysterious explosions for the last three nights, and the second is regarding Sarvus Farm crop failures due to locusts. They then confiscate Abdelus Barbaretta's groundcar and load it into the shuttle. Zolla the pilot then takes them back to Segetes after dark. Seeing as there is no room at the motel, they sleep in the shuttle.

231.819.M41 - In the morning they go and speak with adept, who happens to be worn out from working all through the night. The adept gives them footage of the man in Aegrius' file, with a backpack, getting aboard the train that blew up. Then they find Walthus and ask him about Carnelia. Since she appears to be an alias, they accuse her of working with Aegrius and lying to Walthus.

My Burdens conclude that Aegrius must have boarded the train and exited it soon before the explosion, hiding in a cave nearby. They ask for a topographical map of the area, which Walthus arranges. They fly to Theolum to visit the Officio Administratum and pick up the maps.

Leaving the shuttle, they take the groundcar to a small cave about a mile north of the crash. Eager to find heretics, they are disappointed to find a mother grox and her young, instead. After killing it they field dress it and drive it back to Segetes, where they sell it to a butcher.

Using the map, they go check out an abandoned mine near Segetes. There are abandoned buildings outside. These mines have long since gone quiet. They find the mines abandoned and empty. They head back to Segetes and sleep in the motel.

232.819.M41 - Walthus has a warehouse in Segetes where pieces of the train have been brought and corpses are laid. Rows and rows of body bags alongside fragments of engine and steel. When my Burdens visit to speak with Walthus he leads them down one of the rows to a body bag which he unseals. The corpse is badly mangled, falling to pieces, but the face is clearly the same as the pict from Aegrius' file. Declaring the case closed, Walthus congratulates them. They tell him that they are not necessarily looking for Aegrius, but for a psyker.

Unsure whether or not to trust Walthus, they show him the sketch of 'Hack'.Walthus momentarily seems to recognize the picture, but quickly clears his expression and says he does not know who Hack could be.

My Burden then moves away and plot to confront Walthus. Kaltos meets up with Walthus and speaks to him in the motel room alone while Cain stays in the hallway. Garvel calls up Zolla on the vox, asking her to return to Segetes. Once there, the two converse on the topic of shuttle maintenance. Sander is at the Oats Tavern getting a feel for the psychic energies. Cutter waits the whole thing out in the team's motel room.

Until the next report
I am your eyes,

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